Wednesday, April 22, 2009

OPENING TAGAL (Babagon River) 2009

In the Local KadazanDusun dialect, "Tagal" means 'no fishing' and the main purpose of the 'Tagal" is to preserve the environment as well as the ecosystem to benefit the future generation.

left picture, they casting net at the river..

Side picture is instruments
that use to catch fish other
than fishing net..

This is revenue from the catch
of fish at river after tagal opened..
many types of fish that catch..

Below and side picture is
the fisheries minister..
Give free the small fish..

Sunday, April 19, 2009

sukaneka kaamatan Kg.kipouvo 2009

This is Joanne from England , one of the our visitor at Kg.Kipouvo..she's looking children that paint and colouring the picture..

This is either traditional competition peel propose among persons aged 45 and above..

This is analysis result propose just now and further refereed by jury..

competition blowing balloon..

run away in sack..ground child 12 years.. yeah, speed more who quick he wins..hehe

competition eat traditional packet rice eaten with rice wine and egg also..this competition open to all group..

All event activity contested was 25 overall events..this is certain part of the activity..
So, i hope you all enjoy see this picture..

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Pemandangan diwaktu petang...